PTYX was a publishing project inspired in Jorge Eduardo Eilson and Sthephane Mallarme. Based in Lima  focused in creating literature & artist books. 

Entímesis  by Bel Atrides, PTYX Editores, 2008, Lima, Peru

Quando el Uomo Principale e una Donna (When The Leading Man is a Woman) by Jan Fabre, PTYX Editores 2008, Lima, Peru

El Escaramujo (The Snail) by Jocely Viana Baptista, PTYX Editores, 2008, Lima, Peru

Arboles de Lima (Trees of Lima) by Sebastian Solari, PTYX Editores, 2008, Lima, Peru

Obras Incompletas (Incomplete Works) by Enrique Solari Swayne, PTYX Editores, 2009, Lima, Peru

Libro Primero de los Opúsculos (First Book of the Booklets) by Pedro Cabrera Ganoza (1946-1992), PTYX Editores. 2010, Lima, Peru